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December 30th, 2007

I am getting two more toofers this week again. Except these hurt! Stupid molars, they aren't even on the same side so I can't grind things still. At least I can eat cookies with what I've got. C is for cookie and Christmas too! Unfortunately I like cookies so much that I've been rationed to one a day, lamo.

Speaking of Christmas, I had a very excellent one, there was plenty of pretty boxes and paper to play with and did I mention cookies? Oh, and there were some toys and clothes as well, but it's really about the cookies. It wasn't just about the cookies though, I got lots of new food as well. Any kind of bread is good, ham is good, cheese is ok, mushrooms are yucky, and oranges are fun.


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Oh fun, I have a ball pit now. It's super cool, especially when you climb in and out of it and get your parents to chase down all the balls you throw out. I'm also working hard on my arm, check out this video below.


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Walking is still tricky (I did take two steps in a row the other day) but my crawling skills are excellent. I went up and down the stairs in like 2 minutes. It is hard to crawl with my Weebles in my hands though. Mommy says it would be easier for me to carry stuff around if I walked. Silly Mommy.

Mommy and Daddy are really working hard with me on imitating and speech. I had Mommy thinking that "dadie" was my first word (and what I was calling Sadie), but I fooled her. I now use it all the time, not just when I want to play with Sadie.

December 16th, 2007

I got two more toofers this week- at the same time, too! These ones didn't hurt quite as much. Mommy and Daddy were happy since I slept fine while they were coming in.

I've started standing without holding onto anything. I am pretty good at it. Not quite ready to walk yet, though Miss Barbara is working on it at daycare with me.

Speaking of Miss Barbara, I am not going to be in her room anymore. :( I knew it would happen, but I am a little sad. I will start transitioning into my new room in late January or February. I have to go there to play and start taking naps on a cot instead of a crib. At least one of my friends from my current room will be coming with me.

Mommy and Daddy put up the Christmas tree. It is pretty and shiny. They put up a gate around it so I can't grab any of the ornaments. Can I help it if they look like shiny balls?

Let's see what else. Well, I am now climbing the stairs like a pro. I can get up them in just a couple of minutes. If you ask for a high five, I'll give you one. If you ask me how big I am, I'll lift my arms in the air so you will say "So big!"

I've also figued out how those dogs get outside without Mom and Dad's help. I went through the dog door 3 times today.
free at last!

Oh and I really like to throw things. I especially like standing at one end of the coffee table and throwing my blocks to the other end. Daddy says I am going to be good at craps some day, whatever that is.

December 7th, 2007

Stream of consciousness Sam:

I like rice

Jingle bells, diaper smells, I just made a poo

Snow! snow! snow!

dogs bowls are fun

Babababa, blablabla, bababa


I like rice

Sam-zilla! No block shall remain undisturbed.

Ooooh, shiny


Can I put that in my mouth?

Can I put that in my nose?

Can I climb into that?

I like rice

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